Adult Mental Health Services
Services to adults are provided using the Texas Recovery and Resiliency (TRR) model provided by the Health and Human Services Commission. Resiliency and Disease Management (RDM) is the State of Texas’ design for public Mental Health services to adults with severe and persistent mental illness and children with severe emotional disturbance. One primary aim is to ensure the provision of interventions with empirical support to eliminate or manage symptoms and promote recovery from psychiatric disorders. Other aims of this project include:
- establishing who is
eligible to receive services,
- establishing ways to manage the use of services,
- measuring clinical outcomes or the impact of services, and
- determining how much these services should cost.
To qualify for ongoing services a person must be assessed as being part of the state’s target population, which typically involves a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder or major depression. Based upon assessment, the array of services available may include –
Crisis Hotline – A continuously available telephone service staffed by trained Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHP) to provide screening, assessment and intervention 24 hours a day. Locally, the hotline number is 1-800-758-3344.
Screening – Activities provided by a QMHP to determine the needs for an in depth assessment. This may be face to face or by telephone with the individual or a collateral person who can provide information.
Routine Case Management – Primarily site based services that assist an adult in gaining and coordinating access to necessary care and services appropriate to the individual’s needs.
Care Coordination: Click here to read more about the Care Coordination team.
Counseling – Individual, family or group therapy focused on the reduction or elimination of a client’s symptoms of mental illness or emotional disturbance and increasing their ability to perform the activities of daily living.
Respite Services – Services provided for temporary, short-term, periodic relief for primary caregivers. Respite includes both planned respite and crisis respite to assist in resolving a crisis situation.
Pharmalogical Management – Services provided by a physician or other prescribing professional to determine symptom remission and the medication needed.
Provision of Medication – Ensuring the provision of medication to those who have no source of funds for such, as determined to be medically necessary and as prescribed by the Center’s medical personnel.
Crisis Intervention – Interventions in response to crisis to reduce symptoms or to prevent an admission to a more restrictive environment.
Medication Training and Support – Instruction and guidance using HHSC curricula, including Patient and Family Education Program Guidelines.
Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services – Social, educational, behavioral and cognitive interventions provided by a therapeutic team to address deficits in developing and maintaining social relationships, occupational or educational achievement, independent living skills, and housing, that are a result of a severe and persistent mental illness.
Skills Training and Development Services – Training to address the severe and persistent mental illness and symptom related problems that interfere with individual functioning, providing opportunity for the individual to acquire and practice new skills.
Assertive Community Treatment – ACT is a self-contained program that serves as the fixed point of responsibility for providing treatment, rehabilitation and support services to identify consumers with severe and persistent mental illnesses. Using an integrated services approach, the ACT team merges clinical and rehabilitation staff expertise, e.g., psychiatric, substance abuse, employment, and housing within one mobile service delivery system.
Supported Employment – Supported employment provides individualized services to assist people in choosing, getting and keeping employment.
Supported Housing – Supported housing provides individualized services to assist people in choosing, getting and keeping housing. Support services such as accessing transportation, meal preparation, and budgeting may also be provided through this program.
New Patient Intake Information:
Completing this packet ahead of time will shorten the time needed to complete your intake.
Click here to download Adult Mental Health Intake Packet
For more information about how to access services, call 1-800-758-3344 and speak with an Admissions Screener. For additional information, contact: [email protected]
Intake services are available on a walk in basis, M-F, 8 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Please fill out the Intake Packet and return it by email to [email protected] or fax to 325-690-5187.