Adaptive Recreation
Contact Details
2616 South Clack
Abilene, TX 79606
Phone: (325) 690-5100
24-Hour Crisis Hot Line: (800)758-3344

United Way of Abilene is a proud community partner in support of Adaptive Recreation programs, HUD Rapid Rehousing, and Permanent Supportive Housing Programs!

The Adaptive Recreation program provides meaningful day programming that assists with acquiring, retaining or improving self help, socialization and adaptive skills necessary to live successfully in the community and to participate in home and community life.
The program operates Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Some of the activities include the following
- Integrated Classes
- Special Olympics
- Dances (Quarterly)
- Bowling
- Field Trips and Special Events
- Arts and Crafts
- Other choices such as: Fitness, educational and Life Skill Classes.
- Hot Nutritious Lunches served daily.
Eligibility requirements include
- Diagnosis of cognitive and/or physically challenged.
- Must be evaluated as being mature enough to attend classes/activities and participate in them.
- Must have self-help skills. Must be able to attend structured classes and activities without being disruptive to the programs offered.
- Must be able to understand and carry out instructions given out by staff.
To apply for the Adaptive Recreation program, please fill out the following:
Application materials can be emailed to [email protected] or dropped of at 2609 S. 7th Street. Staff will review the application and contact you to confirm eligibility to attend and to coordinate program start date.
There is a monthly program fee of $50.
For more information, call 325-670-5000
Or Email [email protected] or [email protected]